Save Money – Save Energy : Hacks For Your Home!

As the summer kicks In and the temperature soars high, it is going to be painful for all of us to see the first electricity bill of the season.  Yes, we understand your plight. Do you wish to save money, while you save the energy consumption?

As the cost of living rises each year, finding easy ways to save money has become number one priority for homeowners. Things seem to be getting more expensive every day, and one of the biggest expenses is electricity bill.

One of the best ways to cut costs is by using energy-efficient appliances around your home regardless the size and city whether its 3bhk flats or villas in Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Chennai or Hyderabad. While few options used to exist, technology has come a long way, and the modern market is full of affordable alternatives that can help you save money and the environment. Cutting your energy bills don’t cost you much. Sometimes, small acts can help you save big — at least, when it comes to energy efficiency.

Enjoy reduced cost by some of the best energy-saving hacks you can apply right away while having a gentler impact on the environment.

Way to Windows:

Windows are another household feature that can be a big source of energy leakage. They let in too much cold air in the winter and too much heat in the summer. Install window films to reduce hot areas in your room, solar screens, blinds and high-performance windows to help keep rooms cool. All properties designed by Pacifica Companies whether it’s 3bhk flats or villas in Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Chennai or Hyderabad are in such a way that improves outdoor ventilation and prevents humidity from taking over your house.

Use smart kitchen appliances:

Energy-efficient appliances can use at least 20% less energy than older models! You can easily conserve energy used by refrigerators, clothes washers or be it goes to water heating. What you buy might cost a bit more initially, but you’ll quickly make up the extra cost in energy savings.

Switch to LED Lighting:

Energy efficient lighting such as LEDs, can use 70% less energy and last up to 30 times longer than traditional bulbs, which can mean big saving in the long run. Make your switch today.

Develop a habit of Unplugging:

Use a power strip that you can turn off to prevent your devices from consuming power all night long. Take your modem and router, for example. You are not using the internet when you sleep.

Make energy-efficient home improvements:

Complementing your energy efficient appliances with solar panels can save your money if you are in it for the long-term. Cool roofs are another viable option that can keep your home cooler by reflecting sunlight. However, the cheapest form of energy is the energy you don’t use. So it’s important to make the smaller tweaks first.

Trick your AC Usage and be a fan of fans:

When summer is well underway, A/C units are working hard to keep us cool. But, they also consume a lot of energy and are expensive to operate. However, you can use fans to help with cooling, and give the air conditioner a break. Take advantage of fans for circulation of air and you can significantly reduce your electric bill. Turn off fans when you leave — they don’t actually cool the room but only the bodies in the room.