When QUALITY comes first

An introduction to the quality auditing and control functions of Pacifica Company
At Pacifica, quality auditing is taken very seriously. In fact, it is an inseparable ingredient of every project, and its success. Designed after a thorough study of the industry practices, projects and various case studies, Pacifica Three-Step quality check is considered one of the most advanced systems in the world; and is part of each of its project right from the conceptual stage. The idea behind is to develop a process that can negate any discrepancies, curb wastage and minimize room for error, at least human error, and yet give a product that is on par with the best in the business.
Referred to as “Quality Function’, which is a term used to identify properties that have gone through the necessary quality checks made by a qualified team of auditors, trainers, engineers and top management, the program includes surprise checks throughout the execution of the project till the official handover to the customer is made.
Divided into three definitive action chapters, Quality Function begins at the conceptualization phase of any project, where sustainable and cost-efficient designs are chosen that can deliver quality-based products. A certain amount of the total project cost is also allocated for quality assurance practices.
The second level of the program begins at the Project Design phase, which follows the selection of systems, finishes and fittings that follow the three principles of Design Quality, namely, functionality (how useful the facility is in achieving its purpose), impact (how well the facility creates a sense of place) and build quality (performance of the completed facility). It’s during this stage of the project cycle that a list of suppliers and contractors are drawn for delegation of work. This process helps create a maze of suppliers who can deliver quality goods consistently, thus ensuring uninterrupted flow of work. The selection of agencies is done by reviewing quality of their previous works. Specific work methodologies are put down for the selection of contractors and other suppliers.
This process helps create a better communication nexus among the various departments that are required for a project’s successful completion. The execution stage of any project is the longest phase of a project cycle. And includes a number of Quality Function processes. First in line is the creation of an integrated team of designers, CPP team and construction team. The goal of this team is to work in sync to ensure that the designs are implemented as expected.
Construction and CPP team adopts the best methodology, best practice and innovations from construction industry to deliver quality works. To ensure this, a team of Pacifica’s senior engineers alongside quality managers from an international Project Management Consultants (PMC) and a team of Independent Quality Trainer Consultant work round the clock to ensure that there are no slips at work. In fact, each member of this specialized team is designated to carry out surprise checks during the construction to ensure best materials are used and best practices are followed. Any irregularities found during this first audit are addressed before a second audit is conducted. The quality heads also conduct Monthly Quality Audits on-site, which is presented to the Internal Quality Audit Team comprising of a Project Head, Architect, Planning Manager and MEP Manager. This report along with the quarterly audits is sent for review to the top management at Pacifica. Once the top management approves the report, the second phase of work begins. This cycle of audits and approvals continues until all form of design errors and discrepancies are ironed out. In addition to above, Pacifica also organizes training sessions and programmers for construction and CPP team to help polish their skills, improve their work methodology and introduce them to newer innovation in construction industry. Such workshops also help in minimizing wastage, which in turn helps keep the construction cost in control. In the end, it is this system of quality audits, surprise checks and approvals that ensure that the final product is exactly as per the design and of good quality. And its quality product that has been Pacifica’s benchmark.