Pocket Friendly Ways to Remodel Your House

After a few years, every home calls for remodeling. This process allows homeowners to upgrade their homes with trendy material and technology. Many homeowners shy away or postpone their home decor plans because their schedule or circumstantial problems don’t allow them to do it. But, it is believed that remodeling, if done in a clever manner, doesn’t require one to spend much time or money. A small texture change here or a slight remodeling there can do wonders instead of a complete renovation. But for that, you have to know what to do exactly.

To make your job easy, here are some ideas. Whether you opt for phased remodeling or an entire makeover, this list includes everything.


A great way to renovate to those drab walls is by adding wall art. Now, this wall art can be anything you like, it doesn’t have to be expensive artwork or a rare museum piece. It just has to be something that is easy on your eyes and affordable in your pockets. You can have custom phrases or words written to your wall, which would make a world of difference to your room’s character. You can have just one wall highlighted using texture paint or wallpaper, instead of having all of them repainted. Another fantastic way to renovate a room is to select a wall and design it with something personal like having a wall full of photo frames.


Renovating floors can be done in many ways. Changing the flooring itself, which can be quite an expensive and time-consuming job. Another way is to use laminated/vinyl sheet flooring. Among all, the easiest way is changing the flooring upholstery. Rugs/carpets can change the look of the floor. Getting a rug to cover the floor or creating a color-coordinated rug mosaic can be an intelligent way to give your living room a new aesthetic.


The basic way to remodel your home is to change your furniture. This can be done in multiple inexpensive and time-efficient ways. You can change the focal point of your room, meaning you can emphasize a particular corner or an object. If your television is the focal point of all your furniture, then change it towards another object. Rearranging furniture is one of the easiest ways to boost your home decor plans. You can even change the upholstery or paint a coat over an old furniture piece.  Make small additions and alterations like changing bed covers, curtains, adding pillows in a different pattern, changing tablecloths, napkins-holders, and using slipcovers. All these little changes can lead to a huge change in the entire look of the room.


Seeing the same old room in a new light can be an exhilarating change. Modifying the lighting system and fixtures is a low-cost way to give your room a whole new feel and colour. And if you make it a DIY project and create self-designed lights, the cost will be lowered even further. When remodeling, if you can, invest in energy-efficient features such as LED lighting, star-rated appliances. And install motion-sensing lights as they will bring in the savings since your lights won’t be left on at all times.


Home decor is what makes one feel cosy and happy. Detailing and small changes in the décor can give your home a complete look. If changing the décor is over-budgeting your expense, then be creative. For example, you can polish and brighten the worn-out ones. You can even arrange a couple of planters in a corner or add a cluster of them near the hallway. Maintaining live plants can be a problem, but for that, we have artificial options available as well.

It’s all about the little details. The best way to go about this is to make one big change and leave the rest to this list.