Decorating Your Living Room: A Place For All
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : January 23, 2020

A Living Room is a space in your house, where families meet and relatives communicate! A space where you welcome your friends. A space that depicts your personal touch and warmth. Don't you want your home to be a place that gives the vibe of luxury, class and your personal touch?

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Bopal a Thriving Property Market!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : June 29, 2019

Life is much appreciated in a place where you attain peacefulness of mind with all basic amenities is made available to you nearby.

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Buying Apartment Homes – Now Trending!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : April 20, 2018

Let’s dissolve all our ideas of buying a plot and moved to an apartment today. No kidding! Buying a plot may have its advantages but apartment homes are trending these days. Be it lesser initial investment or less hassle in managing an apartment, or less involvement with the authority for BU permission etc. people are more likely to buy an apartment than to own a plot. Not only this but you also get extra benefits in the form of lifestyle amenities like gymnasium, swimming pool, clubhouse, kids’ play areas and landscaped gardens that would have cost you a large, had it been for your independent house.

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Should You Apply For A Loan Against Property Or A Personal Loan?
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : March 20, 2018

In today’s competitive world, we all need money for everything from funding our own business to paying for the education of our children. One of the first thoughts to come to mind is, “where do we get this money from?” Nevertheless, there are many ways in which we can source money but from all of them, the easiest way is to opt for a loan.

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