Apartment vs Independent Home
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : August 1, 2019

While Apartments and Independent homes have their own pros and cons, the choice will alays be based on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the home buyers.

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How has Technology changed the face of Real Estate
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : June 21, 2019

The importance of technology in our daily life is undeniable. We all agree to this fact that the dynamic world today is meaningless without technology.

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Neighbourhood Features That Increases Your Home Value!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : May 9, 2018

There’s no word to describe the feeling of buying your own house, stepping into your new home, holding your baby for the first time, falling in love, and many more such moments. But, do you know the common factor among all these? Happiness of your family! Happiness is somehow connected with health of your family!

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Save Money – Save Energy : Hacks For Your Home!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : May 1, 2018

As the summer kicks in and temperature soars high, it is going to be painful for all of us to see the first electricity bill of the summer. Yes, we understand your plight.

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