All Colors Have Something To Say
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : September 3, 2019

Colors can sway thinking, change actions and cause a reaction. Colors have the power to affect your moods to a great extent like they can make you jovial, sad, and melancholic.

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Home Decor Tips: Old Home New Look!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : July 6, 2019

Home is a beautiful place to be and to spend time in. Whether you’ve moved into a new home or if you’re looking for a quick renovation in your sweet place.

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Prepare Your Child While Moving In A New Home!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : July 12, 2018

Moving into a new home is exciting and it is the same as having a fresh start. However, moving-in is also a tough and stressful time with all the preparations and activities needed. This could be difficult for adults and so much harder for kids. While difficult, it is also an exciting time.

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Chennai Is Getting Smarter: Buses With GPS, Metro Trains & Many More!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : May 15, 2018

Research on traveller behaviour shows that the era of networks and information is pushing smart mobility. The ministry of metro cities like Chennai are putting money; energy and technical talent into developing the best computer systems that will give transport an edge.

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5 Benefits That A Millennial Woman Can Reap From Buying Home!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : April 2, 2018

Women are increasingly looking to become homeowners and have started to build equity, regardless of relationship status. There are certain benefits that women get when it comes to buying a house. These aren’t always noticeable, but take a closer look and you will see that there are multiple advantages being offered to you as a woman home buyer.

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Too Young To Buy A Home? Think Again!
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : March 27, 2018

Many of us might wonder whether availing of a home loan at a young age is a wise decision or not advisable. Well, the answer is definitely yes, Let's know how it is beneficial to opt for a home loan at the young age.

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Should You Apply For A Loan Against Property Or A Personal Loan?
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : March 20, 2018

In today’s competitive world, we all need money for everything from funding our own business to paying for the education of our children. One of the first thoughts to come to mind is, “where do we get this money from?” Nevertheless, there are many ways in which we can source money but from all of them, the easiest way is to opt for a loan.

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Home Loan Product: Find Out What Works Best For You
Pacifica Companies
Last updated : March 5, 2018

In an effort to appeal to a wider range of potential home buyers, there is an increasing number of home loan products on the market. Not all products are ideal for all buyers, but through comparing the loan options and considering the current financial situation, individual home buyers can make a wise choice of a loan that is well-suited to their needs.

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